Lambiek Fabriek, a renowned name in the beer industry, presents "Juicy & Wild Black-Belle", a testament to their expertise in crafting exceptional lambics. This beer is not just a drink; it's an experience. With its roots in Belgium, this Fruit Lambic boasts an ABV of 7%, making it a delightful choice for those who appreciate a good brew.
The appearance of this lambic is truly mesmerising. It pours a slightly cloudy, deep crimson red colour, crowned with a medium, frothy, light pink head that recedes gracefully, leaving behind an elegant lacing.
Appearance: Deep saturated neon scarlet purple with a pastel pinkish hue.
Aroma: The aroma is a blend of earthy, herbaceous black currants, complemented by hints of funk and oak. There's also a zesty component reminiscent of springtime, making it refreshing and invigorating.
Flavour: The taste is a harmonious blend of tart and tangy black currants, estery fruit, and spice. Subtle hints of grape, clove, and musty funk accentuate the flavour profile. The oak barrels in which it's aged impart a slightly tannic touch, adding depth to its character.
Mouthfeel: The lambic offers a medium body with an effervescent mouthfeel. The carbonation is medium to strong, making it lively on the palate.
The history of Lambiek Fabriek is as rich as the beers they produce. With a commitment to quality and authenticity, they've carved a niche for themselves among beer aficionados. "Juicy & Wild Black-Belle" is a testament to their dedication and passion for brewing.
For those who appreciate the finer things in life, this lambic is a must-try. Its intricate flavour profile, combined with its rich history, makes it a choice brew for both seasoned beer enthusiasts and newcomers alike.
So, why wait? Dive into a world of exquisite taste and rich heritage with Lambiek Fabriek's "Juicy & Wild Black-Belle". Whether you're relaxing after a long day or celebrating a special occasion, this beer is the perfect companion. Purchase online or in-store now and embark on a sensory journey like no other.